As Adkins Rollman Gallery enters the Holiday Season, the Tuesday Painters
went to Stanley's Greenhouse in Knoxville, TN to paint the beauty of the Holiday
folora! Surrounded by the charm of Christmas trees, poinsettias, and amaryllis
in every variety, John and Charlotte created seasonal beauty on canvas!
Stanley's Green House featured the Tuesday Painters
on their Facebook Page:
"During the local Tuesday Painters group's visit to Stanley's today, artist Charlotte Rollman chose to paint one of our 'Tres Chic' amaryllis plants with its magnificent multiple blooms. Charlotte did an excellent job capturing the flamboyant character of these flowers.These bulbs are very eye-catching during the holiday season and can be grown after the holidays are over. Here is an online article from The Alamanac explaining how to care for amaryllis bulbs throughout the year:
And a big thanks to the Tuesdays Painters for inspiring us with their artistic skills today!"